
The material can be downloaded here:


The tubes open in Affinity Photo when you need them

If you do not seeTransform  then go into View ... Studio ... find Transform and check. Now you should be able to see it.

If you can't find it then look where the layer panel is or where the brushes panel is

Press V on your keystroke to activate the Move Tool. To use Transform in this way, it must be enabled

Before you begin, you must: Import Styles Category ... Magic. See the link below to see how to do it:
1. Create a new image 1034 x 684 Pixels

2. Create a new layer

3. Flood Fill Tool ... Fill with colour:  0828B8 

2. Create a new layer

Shapes Rectangle: Make a rectangle about the image

5. Go to the Styles panelet ... Category Magi_jr ... press Style 1

6. Transform: tap the upper left square, just put the numbers in the right side, the others change automatically..


7. In the Layer panel: right-click ... Duplicate

8. Flood Fill Tool ... fill made with color: 0828B8  

9. Transform: set setting as below:


Now it should look like this:

10. Open the file Rehder1 ... right-click it ... Copy

11. Go to your work image again ... right click on the image ... Paste

Transform: set setting as below:


12. In the Layer Panel: Blend ... Color Dodge

13. Go up to Filters ... Blur ... Radial Blur ... set the settings below and press Apply:


Now my looks like this:


14. Layer panel: right-click ... Merge Visible

15. Select all the underlying layers and press Delete on your keystroke

16. In the Layer panel: right-click ... Duplicate
17. Go up in Filters .... Colours ... Procedual Texture
18. Press the little black arrow ( look yellow finger ) ... find Rehder ... Blind Vertical

19. Make settings in Custum Inputs as below and press Apply:


You now have a layer of stripes

20. In the Layer panel ... set the layer Blend: Overlay

21. In the Layer panel: right-click ... Duplicate

22. Go up in arrange ... Rotate 90 clockwise
23. Move Tool: grab the ball above and below. and pull in towards the middle, so that the layer is just inside the frame.
Grab the balls in the sides. and pull in towards the middle so that the layer is just inside the frame.

24. Shapes Rectangle Tool: Make a rectangle on the left side of the frame as below:


25. Layer panel ... set Blend to: Glow

26. Layer panel... right - click ... Duplicate
27. Go up in Arrange ... Flip Horizontal

28. Move Tool: move the table to the right side within the frame

29. In theLayer panel at the bottom ... press fx and this below the text will appear:

Make settings as below. remember to set Angle to 180, and notch in Scale with Object

Let it get ahead. If it gets in the way of your image, you can move it in the bar that says Layer Effects.

30. Move Tool: move the left bord
Same settings like before, but set angle to 0:
31. Close Layer Effect down
32. Open the file: Earth_jr... right-click it ... Copy

33. Go to your work image again ... right click on the image ... Paste

34. Move Tool: Move at the place as here:
34. In Layer panel: set the layer Blend ... Colour Dodge

35. In the Layer panel ... drag the layer down so it is as below:


36. In the Layer panel: right-click ... Duplicate

37. Open the file: Bubbles_jr ... right-click it ... Copy

38. Go to your work image again ... right click on the image ... Paste.

Move the bubbles into place within the frame

 39. Open the file: Bubbles_jr ... right-click it ... Copy

40. Go to your work image again ... right click on the image ... Paste.

Move the bubbles into place within the frame

41. Copy/Paste the file: love to the imagelike before and move at the place
42. Write your name and Save 