Strawberry Girl


To make Strawberry girl you must first make a strawberry. Tutorial at the link here below:

Tutorial to hair is here:


1. Create a new document 800x 800 px ... white background

2. press the Node Tool: :

3. At the top: set Stroke to 3 as here below: press the line by number and set to 0.3 as here under


4. Pencil Tool : draw a head, eyes and mouth as here below on the first screen . Fill with color:

5. Fill with colorr :  Head color: FFDCC1 , sclera: white , iris : 6CC4EA


6. In the Layer Panel: press the layer with the head ...

7. Press on fx here below in Layer Panel. Checkmark in inner shadows 

Settings as here below ... color: BB4718

8. In the Layer Panel: press the layer with the White scelera

9. Press the fx on the bottom of the Layer Panel

10. Use the same options in inner shadows as before, but change the color to: 5C57BD

11. Do the same on the white in the other eye

12.Layer Panel: press the layer with the blue iris

Use the same inner shadows as before, but change the color to black:

13. Do the same on the other eye ... see screen below the text

14. Draw lips on each of its layers

15. In the Layer Panel: press the layer with the mouth, select both layers

16. use the same inner shadows as before, but change the Radius to: 3.1

17. Shapes: Ellipse Tool ... draw a ellipse to the pupil



18. Ellipse tool: make white spots in the eyes, and a moon with  Crescent Tool.  Turn the moon with Move Tool, and move at the place 

19.  Press the fx on the bottom of the layer panel. Enter checkmarks in Gausian Blur and press in the selected area ... 

set Radius to 1.3 , according to the size of the ellipse.

20.Draw white spots on the lips as here below on the right:


20. Pencil Tool: draw the nose:

21. Ellipse Tool: make two Ellipses to red cheeks ... turn them with the Move Tool

Now it looks like this:


22. Layer Panel: move the layer laget down below the layer with the head. When you pull it down, you must get rid of the mouse approx.

 where I put the red spot, but just below the layer


Now you can only see what sits on your head


 23.  Press at fx in the bottom of the Layer Panel 

Checkmark in Gausian Blur, and Press in the marked field sets Radius to 14, depending on the size of the ellipse:




24. Give her a red nose in the same way


25. Sign two of eyebrows, like below:



26. Draw 4-5 lashes, they do not need to look like mine. I also draw a line. I made them as below:



27. Layer Panel: Select all layer ... right click ... Group



28. Set your strawberry  like here below. Look at the girl to the left. Drag the layer down below

the girl head. Look at the girl to the right



29. Draw sleeves and fill with this red color: FF1F1A



30. Give Inner Shadow like before


31. Draw a hand ... give same Inner Shadow as the head. look at point 7



32. Layer Panel: right click... Duplicate


33. Go up in the top ... press at Mirror:


34. Drag the layer with the hands down below the sleeve, move at the place

Draw lines between the fingers


35. Layer Panel: mark the 2 sleeves, hands and lines ... right-click ... Group


36. Draw leg. Fill the leg with white color ... add  Inner Shadow like before, but with dark blue color




37. Draw the shoe on foots so you are sure it is in the right place



38. Ellipse tool: Make a white Ellipse on the front shoe and give Gausian blur, like creen here over


39. In the Layer panel: Select shoes and legs ... right-click  … group


40. In the Layer panel:: right click ... Duplicate


41. Go up to the top ... press at Mirror:


